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Who is Andreas & what did he do at Spotify?

At Spotify, the most famous music streaming service of this generation, Andreas served as the former CTO or chief technology officer. He worked for the business for a very long period and was given a high position. After that, Andreas dedicated 3.5 years of his life to Spotify, working tirelessly to improve it.

What happened to Andreas at Spotify?

Andreas’ time at Spotify took a wild turn when the company decided to procure a particular enterprise software. The CTO wanted to design the software instead of procuring externally but his stand didn’t get encouraged. “This do-it-yourself attitude made no sense to his [Andreas’] new, business-oriented colleagues.

Why did Andreas Ehn resign from Spotify?

Frustrated by his dwindling authority, Andreas Ehn started feeling estranged from his own company. He missed the early days of dreaming big and solving problems with his team on the whiteboard,” Carlsson and Leijonhufvud wrote in the source text of the show. Then, in late 2009, Andreas resigned from Spotify. Where is Andreas Ehn Now?

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